At least 4 weeks beforehand:
Contact Rumsey & Son to arrange your free, no-obligation survey and quotation; alternatively, visit our online inventory section for a quotation by email.
Confirm as soon as possible after receiving the quotation whether you would like us to proceed.
Research new doctors, dentists and other healthcare specialists close to where you’re moving.
2-3 weeks beforehand:
Notify your family and friends of your change of address.
Notify every agency that needs to know of your change of address.
Arrange professional disconnection of gas cookers and other appliances you are removing.
Cancel deliveries of papers, milk, etc and settle any outstanding accounts.
Put all your documents and valuables in a single safe place.
3 days beforehand:
Pack a bag with a change of clothes, toiletries and a ‘survival kit’ for the other end. This could include: light bulbs, fuses, tools, toilet rolls, candles, passport, birth certificates, matches, cash, phone charger and a list of important phone numbers.
Check where to collect the keys for your new home.
Move all outside plants and furniture into a dry area, so they can dry out for moving day.
2 days beforehand:
Empty, defrost and dry out your fridge/freezer.
Seal packets, bottles or jars with tape to prevent any spillage.
1 day beforehand:
Prepare food, drink and utensils for moving day.
Get your plants ready for the removal.
Charge your mobile phone.
Moving day:
Make sure the kids are happy – if they’re going to be in the house with you, settle them in a room with plenty to play with. If older children want to help, encourage them to pack their own box and assist you with safe, simple tasks.
Once everything is loaded, walk around with a member of the removal team to make sure you’re not leaving behind anything you want to remove.
Take meter readings in your old and new homes.
Arrive before your removal team so you can have a good look around your new property.
Give the team a full tour of the house when they arrive.